The ‘Pokémon’ Porn Parody is Here, and it is called ‘Strokemon’
Do you hate yourself? Have you watched Gnardians of the Galaxy and thought that the visceral horror of seeing a raccoon with boobs is not nightmare-inducing enough? Are you into fictional animals performing ungodly acts with humans? Does terrifying makeup turn you on? Do you think a high-pitched “pika” is proper pillow talk? Are you into yellow electric rodents?
If you answered yes to all of the questions above, you should be on a list somewhere.
Oh yeah, they’re also in this movie called Strokemon, bu Woodrocket Studios. You’re welcome.
Because everyone people somebody demanded for it – by demand, I mean nudge me discreetly and and made indistinct hand gestures in case people judge him – here’s the trailer:
I guess if you want to be the very best, like no one ever was, Strokemon is for you. And by the “very best,” I meant “launching your Team Rocket to a video of a girl pretending to be a rodent slathered in yellow paint.” That’s a glory you can have all to yourself. I’m not gonna judge. But if that’s how you get your Squirtle to use Hydro Pump, then it’s your thing.

[H/T: Geekologie]