Netflix Original Series


WAG’s Top 10 TV Shows of 2016

New seasons of what we already enjoy watching come out each year, even as new series hit out TV screens. So here at What's A Geek, we're counting down the Top 10 TV Shows of 2016 for a few of our members! 10 - White Rabbit Project (New Series, December 2016) When Discovery Channel's Mythbusters ended its 15-season…

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Netflix in the Philippines – A Case for Streaming Services

While we Filipinos have known about the existence of streaming services, such as Netflix, we were never really too keen on it over the past few years. Perhaps it's because our relatively unrestricted Internet allows us to seek out alternative sources (cough... torrents... cough) for our TV shows and movies, and streaming movies and TV shows are "impractical",…

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