Video Games

ReviewsVideo Games

#TBT, Vidya Game Style: Assassin’s Creed IV

WARNING: This article contains some major spoilers for the game, and for the Assassin’s Creed franchise as a whole.   So. After finishing Assassin’s Creed III, many of us probably sat back in our seats as the credits rolled with several questions on our minds. Two of them were likely “What the fuck was that?!”…

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GeekVideo Games

What Comes First: Losing the Love for Games or Games Losing You?

Picture this: you’re sitting with your friends at your favorite place to drink, chill out, or chill out and drink. One of your buds mentions something that reminds you of a video game that a number of you have played. You all start talking about the hours you spent mindlessly grinding/dungeon crawling/farming items/completing so-and-so special…

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ReviewsVideo Games

First Impressions: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Demo)

Earlier in the month, players all across the world began to receive e-mails from Nintendo containing four (yes, enough to form a party with) codes to the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Demo. After some tinkering (and some slow download issues), the demo was ready. A Not-So-Limited Hunt An interesting tidbit about this demo: it doesn’t…

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