That Crazy Amazing Batman Self Preservation Suit Cosplay by Pablo Bairan
Cosplay Mania’s main man Pablo Bairan does some great costumes for cosplay competitions but his latest cosplay might just take the cake in terms of awesomeness amongst Batman v Superman cosplayers.
We here at WAG are taken aback at the quality and the attention detail to this self preservation suit. Not to mention that this is like the first we’ve seen taken from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Everything works and all the things that need to light up actually does light up like the eyes as seen in the trailer.
Like his work on the Hulkbuster armor/ Veronica armor you’ll be left speechless when you’re actually in it’s presence.
Obviously it’s also pretty hot underneath.
More photos below:

We give credit to Mr. Bairan’s Facebook account which provided most of the photos. I’m not a 100% sure but we could see this appear in Cosplay Mania too.