What’s A Geek’s Great Geek Census of 2016
You read that right, folks. The administrators of What’s A Geek are attempting a Great Geek Census! Our goal is to do a study on Filipino geeks and who they are according to their age, locale, preference, and similar information. We’re planning on making this a maybe-yearly practice that will carry on for as long as our site is up.
While we acknowledge that the results of this geek census will help with marketing on our end, we’re MAINLY doing this out curiosity. We’d like to answer the one question that our site is named for. Naturally, we’re going to need everyone’s help for this.
In the interest of getting as large of a sample size as possible, the Google Survey Form we’ve linked in this article will run from February 2, 2016 – the date of publication of this article – to July 2, 2016. The geek census is a long survey because it contains questions that we feel are relevant to identifying enthusiasts of any kind and any inclination.
Please spread the Great Geek Census as far as you can! The only requirement that we have is that survey answers need to come from individuals who are Filipino by nationality or citizenship. Our only real security, as well, against folks answering more than once is the fact that you’ll need to log into your Gmail account in order to participate. Honesty is the best policy, yeah?
On another note, the administrators of What’s a Geek would also like to extend a formal invitation to any scholars, academics, experts, and the like who wish to help us out with processing the data. We’d also appreciate feedback with fine-tuning the questions and methodology for future surveys. Interested parties can email us at their leisure.
As stated in the form itself, we will not be disclosing individual, personal information to anyone: the results of the geek census will be presented in an extensive article that will be published after we’ve analyzed the data. Anything we present will be done with permission, or because participants volunteered!
Without further ado, here’s the survey. More power to WAG, and Filipino Geeks everywhere!
If you can’t view the embedded survey, click here!
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