
Holy Sh*t The Smaller and Smaller Circles Movie is a Thing!

I loved F.H. Batacan’s novella Smaller and Smaller Circles so damned much I read it several times. I pimped it to everyone I knew, and I even taught it in my Literature 13 class. And now they’re making a movie.

Smaller and Smaller Circles Movie
AND IT’S A FILM WITH BADASS CRIME-FIGHTING JESUITS! How could you possibly go wrong???

The Smaller and Smaller Circles Movie is going to be directed by Raya Martin, best known for his films Autohystoria (2007), Independencia (2009), and La ultima pelicula (2013). This movie is going to be a bit of a departure from his usual. To quote the Film Police in their own report: this is going to be his first foray into “conventional movie-making”. Moira Lang and Ria Limjab are the minds behind the film’s script.

Award-winning actors Sid Lucero and Nonie Buencamino will be playing Jerome Lucero and Gus Saenz, the main protagonists of the story. They are joined by Carla Humphries, who is a familiar face because of several film and television roles beyond her commercial and modeling jobs. If the other actors and actresses mentioned in the Film Police’s article are any indicator,  we can look forward to a great cast with A-class acting.

For the folks in the crowd who haven’t read the book and want to know what the fuss is all about, here’s a synopsis for the movie:

In the teeming slums of Payatas, a killer preys on young boys leaving their eviscerated bodies in the garbage. Two Jesuit priests are tasked to solve the murders as they explore the cramped urban landscape of Manila—a trap where there is no way out for a killer and his victims.

F.H. Batacan’s entire stint with her novel was to provide us with the profile of the Filipino serial killer, someone whose murders and the drive behind them are unknown to us because our cops and CSI processes fail to categorize them. The market’s flooded with narratives and documentaries about serial killers from America and other countries. Here’s a homegrown story to look forward to.

The Smaller and Smaller Circles Movie is set for release later this year. For people who are looking to follow its progress, you can check their Facebook Page out over here!

Is anyone else excited about this movie? Let us known in the comments!

Pam Punzalan

29, female, not in Narnia about anything. Games, teaches, writes, reads, flails, smokes, occasionally drinks, loves cats. Answers to Kae, Pamela, Pam, Pam-Pam, Pammy, Pammeth. Pamera, and Pammu. Also part of the admin team of Girls Got Game, over at!

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