
Whats A Geek! Presents 2017 in Toys

Alright, this article took quite a while since we couldn’t really agree on what to put down as the best and most iconic toys of this year. I mean, how would you put 2017 in toys in just one article? So, treat this article as half-wishlist and half-showing of the toy people in What’s A Geek!

2017 in Toys

In my honest opinion, 2017 has been a great year for a lot of toy companies and a lot of them have had some great releases. I don’t have the numbers for these and these are all anecdotes but I have seen such a big number of new collectors and lots of new sets. You can also ~feel~ the toy community getting closer together!


Let’s start with one of the most prolific on our feeds right now! Who hasn’t heard of Funko Pop? The company even made more waves with them announcing the opening of Funko HQ in Washington! Check out the virtual tour here:


Now, aside from these they released some really fun toys aside from all the different Batman ones that came out. I put some in this gallery here but you and I both know that there’s waaaaaay more where this come from. That is the beauty of Funko! though, we get to get toys from thousands of different franchises and we’ll never run out of fun toys

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Now, if you wanna get in on the craze and get yourself one two three?  A LOT of these toys: check out these trusted retailers! Big Boys Toy Store, Hobbiestock, GeekPH, Spotlight Collectibles. Bully Boy Collectibles, Toy Bucks, Kiko Toys, Kramer Toy Warden and Filbars.

You can also join groups like Funko Funatic Philippines and Pop Til You Drop to get to know the community (and us!) more!

The LEGO Group

Na na na na na na na na na LEGO BATMAN!

Yes, the LEGO Batman movie came out this year which may have started me on a LEGO Minifig craze.  I know that Lego is a decades-old company and has been creating quality toys ever since, but I got into the game late. Now it’s too late to get out.


Aside from the awesome Minifigs out, 2017 came out with one of the most expensive LEGO set ever: The Millennium Falcon.

It’s a good thing this was released during the holiday season, cause you’ll need a whole lotta time to finish 7,500 pieces

A lot of other sets caught my eye, like the Taj Mahal one and the Joker Manor but really it’s hard not to pop in a LEGO store and not immediately drool over the stuff they have. Personally, I haven’t started buying sets but with releases like these. It’ll be really hard to NOT buy them.

If this got you interested in LEGO, or you’re looking for a place that enjoys discussions check out Philippine LEGO Users Group on Facebook! They host events and show their amazing MOCs, come join!




Kid Robot

My new favorite toys from this year will undoubtedly be Kid Robot Dunnies! Two of the most amazing and detailed sets, in my opinion, dropped this year. Let’s take a quick look at them

First up is Arcane Divination.  This set has creators like J*RYU, Tokyo Jesus, Godmachine, Camilla D’Errico and Jon Paul Kaiser.  These people took the the regular Dunny model transformed into pieces based from the Tarot. These artists poured a lot of soul into creating these designs. Check out the detail below

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The Designer Toy Awards set is really nice too! It’s a whole set by famous toy customizers: Quiccs, Gary Ham, So Youn Lee, Andrea Kang and The Bots. Each of them add their own unique flair to the Dunny Silhoutte and they all looks so detailed yet bring their artists unique flair. Check them out here!

I got my toys from our friends in Secret Fresh, find them (and maybe me) at the Ronac Center! They also host art shows at their galleries, take a look at their Instagram here!

I just wanted an excuse to show you my toys lol

Jason Freeny

This year’s Asia Pop Comic Con had a special guest that many toy aficionados were waiting for: Jason Freeny! Freeny’s signature style is dissecting stuff. He’ll grab popular toys and chop them up then put in an approximation of how the spoopy skellies would look like. He brought something special for APCC this year (even if it was delayed because of the weather), his own version of Jollibee Joy! It’s basically a Bigger Micro Anatomic with a “skin” eerily similar to our fave bida-mascot!


Picture from Greg Aparentado

He also had a gallery with Secret Fresh were he displayed paintings that he did in a similar fashion as Joy. It was really nice to see the artist branching out and exploring more media.


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Anything you think we missed out on? Is your favorite toy not here? Do you wanna buy us MORE toys? Shout at us below! Also, slide into our DMs on Twitter and Instagram!

We’d like to take this time to give thanks to the people who lent us their photos: John Valenzuela, Uncle Philip Lee, Secret Fresh Gallery, Greg Aparentado, and Ralph Guibani!


Gem Bataclan

when being normal seems to be complicated. yey geeks!

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