
McAvoy and Radcliffe All Wet in New Frankenstein image

Entertainment Weekly just released an image from upcoming horror film Victor Frankenstein, starring James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe, both soaking wet and looking at something through what seems like a fiery scene, if all the smoke and fire around them is any indication.

Harry Potter and Professor X getting all wet and sassy with each other.
Harry Potter and Professor X getting all wet and sassy with each other.

Apparently the movie, written by Chronicle writer Max Landis, will not be based on the actual book, because there is no Igor in Mary Shelley’s classic; according to EW, it’s going to be an “amalgamation” of all contemporary versions . This one differs in that it will come from the point of view of Igor, played by Radcliffe. McAvoy is set to play the mad Dr. Frankenstein.

“It’s about creation, and Victor is not only creating this monster but in a sense Igor, who in the beginning of the movie is living in abject conditions and considered less than human,” Radcliffe says.

It seems the film will be less about the monster that Frankenstein creates and more about the relationship between the doctor and the assistant, which McAvoy acknowledges.

“Victor’s ego means that at times he thinks he’s superior to Igor,” McAvoy says. “Their relationship is close, loving, abusive, manipulative, and it turns on a dime.”

The Pie Trick

Video game enthusiast, occasional freelance illustrator, and resident pie trickster. Only here for comic relief.

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