
Suicide Squad Stars Will Smith and Margot Robbie are Ready for their Roles through FOCUS

A micro review for the film Focus starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie and Rodrigo Santoro. Now Showing via Warner Bros. Pictures.


The film was fantastic. All my second guessing was for naught and there was even an instance wherein I was so convinced that character A was in cahoots with character B only to find out that they weren’t and that character X was actually in cahoots with character C.

It’s just crazy. This is the reason why I adore the movie. It’s those little “con-man” tricks that make it work and at the most make it believable.

FOCUS isn’t a movie wherein the strongest set comes at the end, nope. FOCUS gathered steam in the middle, its after a good crime spree towards the second act where we finally get to understand Will Smith’s Nicky. The end, it’s to just wrap up the plot, like a good sandwich, its the middle that’s filling, tasty and satisfying.

Speaking of satisfying, get a load of Margot Robbie here.


There’s also Rodrigo Santoro (Xerxes from 300) for the ladies. Both of them just “meh” but in Robbie’s case, she gets better when she’s paired up with Smith.


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