Team Ninja

ReviewsVideo Games

Nioh: The New King of the Genre

As you can probably tell by the title, I think HIGHLY of Team Ninja's Nioh. I've been looking forward to the game, since I learned about it a few years back. I mean as a giant weeabu, and a fan of From Software's Souls series, how could I not be looking forward to Nioh? So the question now is, despite what the…

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TrailersVideo Games

Dissidia Final Fantasy to run on PlayStation 4-based Arcade Hardware

Square Enix has recently revealed more details pertaining to the upcoming arcade iteration of Dissidia Final Fantasy during a closed-door conference. Some of the biggest take-aways of the event include the revelation of Sony Computer Entertainment Japan helping out with the development of the game by making an arcade cabinet based on the PlayStation 4's…

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