Jason Statham Could Play Bullseye in Daredevil Season 2

Don’t look now but it looks like Marvel Studios and Netflix is eyeing “The Expendables” star Jason Statham for a pretty bad ass role in the MCU.


Latino Review reports that Statham is being eyed to play the role of Daredevil’s most notorious rogue and the man responsible for murdering Matt’s girlfriend Elektra.

The report from the rumor site also states “Our spies spotted him meeting with Marvel personnel earlier this week while taking a break from the press tour for Spy.” To add more fuel to the rumor Statham’s name had also popped up when execs were talking about a rebooted Daredevil movie during the transition from Fox to Marvel.

Daredevil Season 2 will return in 2016 together with the first season of Netflix’s AKA Jessica Jones.

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