Author: Rhenn Taguiam

TVTV ReviewVideo Games

The Last Of Us Episode 1: A Breath Of Fresh Air For Adaptations

There was once something called the Video Game Adaptation Virus that is almost immediately contracted by any material as soon as it’s developed into adapting a video game into a film or the big screen. This horrific sickness is usually attributed to symptoms such as abysmal writing, campy scenes, wasting the cast’s potential, and overall…

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ESGS 2022: Day 3 Means Cosplay, Games, & A Whole Lot Of Fun

Comeback never ends as the E-Sports & Gaming Summit (ESGS) concludes its 2022 edition with a climactic note, capping the year's convention with intense championship rounds, festive rewards ceremonies, and surprise last-minute announcements from guests and exhibitors. While the third or last day of any convention is usually perceived as its most mellow, ESGS 2022…

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ESGS 2022: Day 2, A New Community Of Modern Gamers

Comeback is going strong for fans and newcomers to the E-Sports & Gaming Summit (ESGS), with rain and thunder serving no hindrance to ESGS 2022 as it brings a delightful blend of virtual festivities and live activities to fit today's version of the modern gamer. However, with gamers and con-goers being pulled by an assortment…

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ESGS 2022: Day 1, Explore New Dimensions Of Gaming

Comeback is officially real as the E-Sports & Gaming Summit (ESGS) finally returns for its 2022 edition, bringing a much-awaited gathering of gaming rigs and consoles, peripherals, tournaments, and other festivities dedicated to the everyday gamer. As ESGS 2022 brings a reinvigorating take on the blending of virtual activities and live offerings, convention fans have…

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ESGS 2022: What Should Fans Expect This Year?

Gamers should probably start getting ready for the biggest comeback of the year, as the E-Sports & Gaming Summit (ESGS) finally graces fans with a physical convention this 2022. However, with two (2) years' worth of ESGS being spent virtually, new congoers and veteran fans of ESGS may wonder just what's so different in ESGS…

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