The Best Photoshops of That Picture of The Falcon and Winter Soldier Running After Something.
We’ve seen that picture of The Winter Soldier and Falcon chasing after something. It’s one of the first official images out of the highly-anticipated Captain America: Civil War, and it doesn’t tell us much. Well, except for fact that these two sidekicks are probably racing to see which one of them senpai notices first.
Really, look at this picture.
They’re running, and we don’t know what the hell is happening. I’m an entitled nerd in the 21st century and I’m bored already. If only there was a way for the internet to provide me with entertainment by juxtaposing The Falcon and Winter Soldier over other images!
I know it’s a pretty old meme, but is it too much to ask to make them run alongside ridiculously photogenic guy?
Or how about chubby bubbles girl?
Leonardo DiCaprio may never win an Oscar, but he will ALWAYS be a welcome addition to any picture.
Seriously, DiCaprio, you complete this shot.
Have you seen Bucky and Falcon chase the real enemy, though?
Or the one where they chase the real enemy, who are going after the real real enemy?
Sorry. I’ll just run this joke to the ground.
I’ll show myself out.
What about you? What are your favorite Captain America: Civil War memes?
[H/T This Reddit thread, this other Reddit thread, and Gizmodo.]
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