MoviesPress Release

X-MEN APOCALYPSE: Singer confirms actors for Young Jean, Scott & Ororo

Bryan Singer, director of the X-Men, X2 & X-Men: Days of Future Past, posted on his Twitter Account the official actors that will play young Jean Grey (Phoenix/Marvel Girl), Scott Summers (Cyclops) & Ororo Munroe (Storm).

xmen apocalypse castsophie-turner-tye-sheridan-alexandra-shipp

(Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan & Alexandra Shipp will be playing the young Jean, Scott & Ororo, respectively, in the upcoming X-Men film.)


In 2000, Singer directed the first live action film of the X-Men. In which actors such as  Famke Jassen played as Jean Grey, James Marsden played Cyclops and Halle Berry played Storm and they reprises their roles to the following X-Men movies (X2, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Wolverine & X-Men: Days of Future Past).


X-Men: Apocalypse will be out on May 27, 2016





Gem Bataclan

when being normal seems to be complicated. yey geeks!

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