
WWE The Beast in the East 2015 Results

WWE went with this year’s tour of Japan with a Beast to be shown live on the WWE Network! Here are some impressions from the WWE The Beast in the East show at the Sumo Hall in Tokyo, Japan!


Chris Jericho def. Neville

The show opened up with a two unique individuals who both made their way through Japan as part of their evolution. This is the best that Jericho has looked in years, and manages to keep with The Man that Gravity Forgot until Y2J makes to tap Neville out with the Liontamer.

Samoan Drop!

Triple Threat for the WWE Divas Championship
Nikki Bella def. Tamina and Paige

Pretty standard triple threat Divas match here. Though the move calling IS a bit too loud, Nikki.

Triple Kill

Brock Lesnar murdered Kofi Kingston and triple-killed New Day afterwards



NXT Championship match
Finn Balor def. Kevin Owens

The Homecoming of Prince Devitt. And since we’re in Japan, this title match gets the royal treatment: from the flowers to the streamers! Certainly a throwback to the AJPW matches of yore. But Kevin Owens, dastardly heel that he is, would have NOTHING of it, drawing the ire of the Japanese fans in attendance. After a grueling duel, it took the Demon Prince 2 Coup de Graces and 1 Bloody Sunday to finish Owens off. A great match but somehow Owens got really protected while losing.

Die you peasant!

John Cena and Dolph Ziggler def. King Barrett and Kane

To end the show, we get a Cena main event. For what it is worth this is a standard house show tag match. Nothing much to report here.


So if you want to experience a really fun wrestling environment, good matches, Michael Cole not having Vince McMahon on his ear and actually calling matches, and Brock Lesnar murdering three black men, then by all means watch this show. It’s a really rare experience for a WWE fan, especially for those who have no clue as to how they are being received overseas. Trust me, it’s a breath of fresh air.

Images courtesy of WWE

Khrysler Jerikho lackey. Advocate of Haruhism and Bullet Club fan. Also known as the Crimson Ai Nekostar. Would love to hang out with Gen 13.

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