Nintendo WiiU

Video Games

The SUPER LATE Top 10 Games of 2015

To start this list off, let's address the elephant in the room: Why is this list so late? Straight-up, the reason it took me so long to write this list is because 2 of the games on this list came out in December, and one of them will probably end-up being one of the longest…

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Video Games

Big Announcements from Nintendo

Today, Nintendo made some rather huge (to put it lightly) announcements at a press conference. First of which, is that they're teaming up with mobile gaming bigwig DeNA in extending their game development to the mobile market. Nintendo intends to make use of their existing IPs to create games specifically for both smartphones and tablets.…

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PreviewsVideo Games

Shovel Knight DLC, Coming Soon and for Free

As part of their Kickstarter goals, the first of 3 additional campaigns for Yacht Club Games' Shovel Knight has been revealed. Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows will place players in the greaves of Plague Knight, a boss from the base game. You play as Plague Knight as he scours the land on his quest to create the…

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