Resident Evil

Video Games

TGS 2018 Recap: Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Demos Show Promise

Tokyo Game Show built a reputation for being the go-to venue for Japan’s biggest video game companies when it comes to showcasing their most exciting projects. Capcom didn’t disappoint fans in this regard, bringing in the big guns with their hottest and most-anticipated properties in last month’s Tokyo Game Show (TGS 2018). However, of the…

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GeekOpinionReviewsScience & TechVideo Games

Surviving Horror: Resident Evil 7, Fear, and the Beyond

The Fundamentals of Fear Fear is an important aspect of human physiology: Fear can induce certain bodily responses through neurotransmitters. Adrenaline, for example, makes the body more alert and gives a physical boost for a certain period of time, called an "adrenaline rush," especially when people feel threatened. The feeling of fear could be addicting,…

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GeekOpinionVideo Games

Hideo Kojima: The Last Auteur

After enduring an onslaught of douchbaggery from his former employers, Hideo Kojima finally severed the chains of Konami. The official news broke out when Kojima announced on Twitter that his employment contract with the much-hated game publisher was ultimately terminated. There was much jubilation around the infinite corners of the Internet. It was then followed…

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