Uncanny Inhumans


In a Stroke of Genius Marvel Comics to Come Out with Cosplay Covers!

I'm not being sarcastic about this, this is really a stroke of genius fo Marvel Comics, shipping out cosplay variant covers of their titles. It doesn't get more meta than that. A-Force #1 Cosplay Variant by Jay Justice All-New Inhumans #1 Cosplay Variant by Yaya Han Amazing Spider-Man #1 Cosplay Variant by Aaron Rivin Astonishing…

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Full Look for All New All Different Avengers and Uncanny Inhumans for Secret Wars

One of the more promising things about Secret Wars is that its definitely shaking up the old status quo and turning up some fresher takes on existing concepts. Our case in point the two new books All New, All Different Avengers and Uncanny Inhumans. We featured the first two characters the other day; we even…

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