

Thor: Ragnarok, Explosions, and the Almost Zany Adventure

The inscription on the mighty hammer Mjolnir states: "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." If you were Thor however, and someone breaks your hammer, what do you become? Viewers will get an early shock in Thor: Ragnarok when Hela (Cate Blanchett) heralds the Mjolnir's destruction. The Goddess…

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All-New All-Different Marvel Hip-Hop Variants

Marvel's at it again with their hip-hop variants! We saw their first wave of covers here; and now we have a whole batch of new covers. Check them out below, and I must say Deadpool wins the best cover award which hypes us up for his movie! And my most favorite of the All-New All-Different Marvel Hip-Hop…

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In a Stroke of Genius Marvel Comics to Come Out with Cosplay Covers!

I'm not being sarcastic about this, this is really a stroke of genius fo Marvel Comics, shipping out cosplay variant covers of their titles. It doesn't get more meta than that. A-Force #1 Cosplay Variant by Jay Justice All-New Inhumans #1 Cosplay Variant by Yaya Han Amazing Spider-Man #1 Cosplay Variant by Aaron Rivin Astonishing…

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Six Dr. Doom Costumes Better than the 2015 Movie Costume

So that's it then, the verdict is out. Josh Trank's Fantastic Four has effectively disappointed a lot of fans on so many levels including the way they made Dr. Doom look towards the third act of the movie. First of all, lets look at what Fox has done with their Dr. Doom played by actor Toby…

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