
ReviewsVideo Games

‘A Knight’s Quest’ Impressions: Comforting and Familiar

A Knight’s Quest, on the surface, looks like every other Zelda-like game. Get a dude vaguely dressed like Link, put him in a world that has surface-level comparisons to Hyrule, and you’re golden. I didn’t expect to end up liking this game, though. A Knight’s Quest is more than a Zelda clone, and it really…

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ReviewsVideo Games

What’s A Geek! Presents 2017 In Videogames

Do you fancy yourself as a gamer? if you do, then join us as we recall some of the year's most well-known titles. Here are some thoughts from the What's A Geek! staff for the highlights of 2017 in videogames. 2017 In Videogames This year's videogame releases prove that there's more to the industry than just sheer graphics…

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