Book Review

Book ReviewLiterature

The beauty that is Wounded Little Gods

Having lived in a city my whole life, I don’t think I’ll ever experience the close-knit feeling that comes with living in a rural home. The provincial setting of Eliza Victoria’s Wounded Little Gods makes me a little bit jealous, where all the noise, solidness, and traffic, barely exist and all there is the quiet in…

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Book ReviewLiterature

‘The Hunger Games’ – Spectacle, Panopticon & a Culture of Paranoia [3/3]

Here's the third and last installment of a series of posts on The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. You can find the first post over here, and the second post over here. Please note that all of the articles collected under this series will contain spoilers for The Hunger Games trilogy. You’ve been warned! (more…)

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Book ReviewLiterature

WTF Wattpad: ‘Raped and Got Pregnant By A Vampire Prince’ [Part 3]

Welcome to WTF Wattpad, where a couple of lucky What's A Geek writers get to read and live through a form of torture called Wattpad. This is the third part of our epic Raped and Got Pregnant By A Vampire Prince. review. Why are we still here? Why are you still here? Previously: Julienne, who is…

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Book ReviewLiterature

‘The Hunger Games’ – Spectacle, Panopticon & a Culture of Paranoia [2/3]

Here's the second in a series of posts on The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. You can find the first post over here. Please note that all of the articles collected under this series will contain spoilers for The Hunger Games trilogy. You’ve been warned! (more…)

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Book ReviewLiterature

WTF Wattpad: ‘Raped and Got Pregnant By A Vampire Prince’ [Part 2]

Welcome to WTF Wattpad, where a couple of lucky What's A Geek writers get to read and live through a unique torture technique called Wattpad. We're still working through Raped and Got Pregnant By A Vampire Prince. Join us as we read this glorious piece of work. If you're ready, take a couple of shots and read on. SPOILER…

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