Einstein or Neinstein?

Here at What’s A Geek, we love trivia knowledge. We love reading up on them, and we love talking about them. It’s a fantastic icebreaker at parties! And what better way to have fun with trivia knowledge than to dive deep into a trivia pop quiz?

Pop quiz, hotshot!


And here you thought you were done with pop quizzes!

So… how much do you know about the greatest genius that ever lived? Who, you might ask? To be fair, there are a lot of great geniuses throughout humankind’s existence on this pretty blue space rock.

Ah, who am I kidding? You probably guessed it from this article’s title, genius!

Watch Genius every Wednesday night at 8:00PM on The National Geographic Channel
Damn straight, mein homies.

It’s Albert Einstein!

Below are 15 interesting tidbits about Albert Einstein. The catch is that some of them may not be all that true. The trick is to figure out which of them is Einstein, and which ones are Neinstein! (See what we did there, eh? Eh? See, we love our puns too!)


Get your trivia on! It’s game time! 

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Did you learn something new about our famous genius? How about learning a few more?

Watch Genius every Wednesday night at 8:00PM on The National Geographic Channel
Learning? GENIUS!

The National Geographic Channel has always prided itself on its award-winning documentaries on various topics about the natural sciences, and the people at the forefront of these sciences. Now, however, they’re going to try their hand at turning documentaries into full-blown scripted miniseries, delving deeper into the untold stories of some of the most brilliant minds humankind has ever produced, with their bold new series, Genius.

Watch Genius every Wednesday night at 8:00PM on The National Geographic Channel
Yeah, you know that shock of grey hair has got sparks of KNOWLEDGE in them!

Based on the 2007 book Einstein, His Life and Universe by journalist Walter Isaacson, Genius sees Einstein (wonderfully played by Oscar-winner Geoffrey Rush, and English musician Johnny Flynn) tackling his turbulent life, from his rebellious years as a headstrong junior studying in the Luitpold Gymnasium, to his struggle in raising a family as a lowly patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, all the way to his final years as a world-renowned theoretical physicist in Princeton, New Jersey. The ten-part miniseries seeks to reveal the man behind the mind, delving into Einstein’s happiness and heartbreak as he struggles to be a husband, a father, and a man of principle.

Watch Genius every Wednesday night at 8:00PM on The National Geographic Channel
Seriously, Geoffrey Rush nails it here!

You thought those trivia facts up top were surprising? Well, you’re in for a whole lot more when you tune in to Genius every Wednesday night at 8:00PM on The National Geographic Channel!

The Pie Trick

Video game enthusiast, occasional freelance illustrator, and resident pie trickster. Only here for comic relief.

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