
APCCPH 2016 Day One Highlights!

Even before doors opened at 12 noon today, a huge crowd has already lined up outside SMX Convention Center for this year’s AsiaPOP Comic Con. So far, so good. Comic artists have arrived and are willing to autograph your singles and trades, cosplayers are everywhere, and Magic: the Gathering is offering free tutorials for those interested in playing– and you get to keep the beginner’s deck. Intermediate players can have refresher courses, learn new tactics, and buy new expansion packs.


General warning: this is a place of great temptation. Come armed with your wallet – or, if you’re poor like many of us, come as you are. Creative Corner hosts a large number of artists, fan crafters (there’s even one willing to paint miniatures for you!), and indie creators selling their wares. The Gaming Lib and are also present here at APCC for your tabletop fix. Playbook PH  is also letting people play their library of video games, and their staff were all cosplaying from Harry Potter today.

Netflix kicked things off with a bang by having a small quiz show on Daredevil, Stranger Things, and other series on their line-up! Winners receive a free, 6-month subscription to their service. Fans of any of their shows should come over and check it out. They’ll be holding quizzes for Day 2 and Day 3.

The Philippine Wrestling Revolution (PWR) also had their first match today, opening with the Yolo Twins vs the Kanto Terror. PWR will have more matches throughout the convention, so watch out for them at the Center Stage!

Gundam fans have a chance to build their own Gunpla (toy figures) in the Bandai exhibit. Builders (neophyte or otherwise) can register and be taught how to form their Gunpla. The tutorial covers the entire process – from removing the parts, connecting the pieces, and placing stickers. Builders who complete their Gunpla can get to keep them.


The Philippine Garrison of the 501st Legion debuted the the first officially recognized Kylo Ren for APCC today at the 501st Legion’s booth! Fightsaber Philippines will also be performing with Darth Vader for the first time this Saturday and Sunday so be sure to check that out.

Pokémon GO players might want to drop by the Convention Center. There are many PokéStops and Gyms around SMX Convention Center. If that isn’t enough, we’ve caught a lot of electric-type Pokémon in this area: endless Voltorbs, Magnemites, and even Pikachu!

There’s still a lot happening tomorrow. You’ve got celebrity meet and greets, panels, workshops, and more! See you on Day 2 and 3 of APCC!

Rika Sioson

Just a frog and a mage who happens to play tabletop roleplaying games and video games. She also loves reading books, comics, manga, graphic novels, and watching American and Japanese TV series. Eating is her favorite hobby, after sleeping.

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