apcc 2017


APCC 2017 Post-Mortem: The Ups, the Downs, and Everything in Between

It's been a month since the AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2017 concluded, and it was a blast for geeks and congoers alike. Highlights included guests, freebies, and good finds to enjoy; not to mention amazing cosplay and the competitions that spanned the 3-day spectacle. APCC 2017 has improved quite a lot in its third iteration. From…

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Learning at APCC 2017: Art, Cosplay, Comics, Creation

Attendees at AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2017 (APCC 2017) can remember some of the celebrity guests that have attended the awesome three-day convention. However, aspiring entrants to various entertainment fields may have stayed for the panels and workshops as well. Creators and icons from various industries have imparted knowledge to APCC 2017. What's-A-Geek! was lucky enough to attend…

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Gabbin’ with Genji: A Gaku Space Interview

Being Genji Shimada of Overwatch https://www.facebook.com/whatsageek/photos/a.1457631764320661.1073741847.741943275889517/1463812427035928/?type=3&theater Every time, it started with an empty chair. Then, Gaku Space waltzed to the center of the stage. Overwatch hero Genji was in Asia Pacific Comicon Manila 2017 in the flesh. Many wouldn’t be shocked if he was the real Genji. In fact, even Gaku Space himself shared that he’s…

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APCC 2017: Day 2 Highlights

Pop culture fans probably did not get enough of their favorite toys, comics, games, and other pop culture icons here at APCC 2017. Here are some of the highlights of Day 2 at Asia Pop Comicon Manila. The second day of APCC 2017 opened with a showcase of ABS-CBN's La Luna Sangre. KathNiel fans and…

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